Page name: Weird Al Worshippers [Logged in view] [RSS]
2007-01-24 21:22:43
Last author: ~username~
Owner: ~username~
# of watchers: 3
Fans: 0
D20: 2
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The Awesome Groupies

1. [~username~] Yeah! I'm number 1! I'm #1!!!!
2. [Dark Side of the Moon] I LOVE WEIRD AL!
3. [Lady Neit] whee!!
4.[Mindfreak Rox!!] white and nerdy!! lol

The Fans

1. [Sir Riddle] weird al: keep it goin'

Go Back to I Love Weird Al

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2006-11-29 [Sir Riddle]: I'm still standing!<img:img/mood/44166_1164557401.gif>

2006-11-29 [Mindfreak Rox!!]: i am too!!

2006-11-29 [~username~]: *and then the Red Hot Chili Peppers burst into the room radiating awesome rock and demand my release*

2006-11-29 [Mindfreak Rox!!]: nope not letting you go!!!!!!!!

2006-11-29 [Sir Riddle]: nope, *calls up murderdolls* *murderdolls crash in through the window to aid us*

2006-11-29 [~username~]: <img:img/mood/44166_1164218111.gif>Not even if I give you Criss Angle?

2006-11-29 [Mindfreak Rox!!]: nope!!

2006-11-29 [Sir Riddle]: nope! by the way, I already have her

2006-11-29 [~username~]: What about Criss Angle..... and a pie?

2006-11-29 [Mindfreak Rox!!]: criss angel i can get him and i love pie!!! if you bring me a pie i might let you go!!

2006-11-29 [Sir Riddle]: don't be corrupted, come to the dark side, we have cookies!

2006-11-29 [~username~]: What kind of pie?

2006-11-29 [Mindfreak Rox!!]: uuuuummmmmmmmmmmm................ chocolate pie!!!!!!

2006-11-29 [Sir Riddle]: COOKIES!

2006-11-29 [Mindfreak Rox!!]: ok ok cookies!!!!!

2006-11-29 [~username~]: A cookie pie? Okay!

2006-11-29 [Mindfreak Rox!!]: lol

2006-11-29 [Sir Riddle]: <img:img/mood/44166_1164145068.gif>

2006-11-29 [Mindfreak Rox!!]: what?

2006-11-29 [Sir Riddle]: that you took the cookies offer

2006-11-29 [Mindfreak Rox!!]: i did!!!!!!!!!!

2006-11-29 [~username~]: Yep! And now I'm free to go!

2006-11-29 [Mindfreak Rox!!]: not quite!!

2006-11-29 [Lady Neit]: *O_O*

2006-11-30 [Sir Riddle]: you're not very open are you, Lady neit

2006-11-30 [Sir Riddle]: oh, and yes, we still areholding you captive, vic

2006-11-30 [~username~]: VIC?!?! <img:img/mood/44166_1164218111.gif>

2006-11-30 [~username~]: Oh, Mary isn't anymore. She took the pie. So you and what army?

2006-11-30 [Mindfreak Rox!!]: lol what are you going to do tori?? huh??? are you going to keep me locked up in a box for the rest of my life??


thank you for your time please COME again ^_^

2006-11-30 [~username~]: Yeah, a box sounds pretty good. Then you will never have to go home!!!!

2006-11-30 [Lady Neit]: wow boxes...

2006-11-30 [Mindfreak Rox!!]: lol yeah i love boxes!!!!!!!!!

2006-12-01 [Sir Riddle]: yeah, it's vic now, hehehe

2006-12-01 [Lady Neit]: XD

2006-12-01 [Sir Riddle]: you see, you hardly say anything!

2006-12-01 [Lady Neit]: theres nothing to say....

2006-12-01 [Sir Riddle]: of course there is, I'm talking, vic's talking, you're the only one who's not

2006-12-01 [~username~]: But she's displaying emotions. And stop calling me vic!!!! Everyone calls me Tori.

2006-12-01 [Sir Riddle]: isn't vic good? now? is it vic?

2006-12-01 [Lady Neit]: Tori :D i'm guessing your called Victoria then? =P

2006-12-01 [Sir Riddle]: I'm only going to say tori when she get's angry

2006-12-01 [~username~]: Yeah, I'm named Victoria, and no I'm not masculine enough for Vic. Vic is for Victor Krum.

2006-12-01 [Sir Riddle]: I know your nameis victoria, isn't it vicky?

2006-12-01 [~username~]: Fine! Call me what you want to, but this is what will happend to you if you ever try a lame Victoria's Secrete joke on me:

2006-12-01 [Sir Riddle]: wtf?! ok, I'll call you Tori, vicky

2006-12-01 [Sir Riddle]: where'd you get that one, btw?

2006-12-01 [Lady Neit]: lmao i've seen that as an emoticon on msn....
YAY TORI!!! a girl in my year has been asking to be called that y'know o.o

2006-12-01 [~username~]:
Here's one of my favorites: <img:>

2006-12-01 [Sir Riddle]: wtf!

2006-12-01 [~username~]: I think they're cute, don't you? <img:>

2006-12-01 [Sir Riddle]: they're funny, in a weird way!

2006-12-01 [~username~]: Yeah, but they move, so Elftown won't allow them on for long.

2006-12-01 [Sir Riddle]: or they will add them

2006-12-01 [Lady Neit]: lmao omg i hope they add em XD

2006-12-01 [Sir Riddle]: that would be cool, ask them

2006-12-01 [Lady Neit]: nah, you ask em <

2006-12-01 [Sir Riddle]: ok, what wiki/person?

2006-12-01 [~username~]: I haven't the faintest clue. All I know is that I tryied to add them as my own emotions and they were deleted. So not cool! <img:>

2006-12-01 [Lady Neit]: lol

2006-12-02 [Sir Riddle]: perhaps you should ask?

2006-12-02 [Lady Neit]: you should :D

2006-12-02 [Sir Riddle]: no, you should

2006-12-02 [Lady Neit]: no you should

2006-12-03 [Sir Riddle]: why?

2006-12-03 [Lady Neit]: because i shouldn't

2006-12-03 [Sir Riddle]: why?

2006-12-03 [Lady Neit]: because!!


2006-12-04 [~username~]: Why don't we all do it. Then they'll have to add them because of popular demand. It's an economics thing.

2006-12-05 [Sir Riddle]: mass politics!

2006-12-05 [~username~]: Same difference!<img:44166_1164145305.gif>

2006-12-05 [Mindfreak Rox!!]: lol<img:44166_1164903241.gif>

2006-12-06 [Sir Riddle]: eh, tori, it can't be the same and also a difference...

2006-12-07 [~username~]: Sure it can if you believe in oxymorons.

2006-12-07 [Mindfreak Rox!!]: lol you guys are funny!!

2006-12-08 [Sir Riddle]: shhh, see the note; we're in discussion? Oxymorons don't exist

2006-12-08 [Lady Neit]: LMAO

2006-12-09 [Sir Riddle]: lmao?

2006-12-10 [Lady Neit]: laugh my ass off

2006-12-11 [Sir Riddle]: aaaaahhhh, thank you for this enlightment...<img:stuff/dand-gif.gif>

2006-12-16 [Mindfreak Rox!!]: lol

2007-01-08 [~username~]: Oxymorons do too exist, they are self-contridicting things, like Jumbo shrimp. I learned that in my AP English class, so that proves a long-debated point, I'm smarter than you think I am.

2007-01-09 [Sir Riddle]: are you?

2007-01-09 [Lady Neit]: OMG

2007-01-09 [~username~]: Yes I am. I'm smart enough to steal candy from a baby without making it cry. And I can say my ABC's in 6 languages!<img:stuff/hh-gif.gif>

2007-01-11 [Sir Riddle]: ooohhhhhhh....., that's..., normal...

2007-01-11 [~username~]: There's nothing normal about normalness! TWACK! <img:>

2007-01-11 [Sir Riddle]: you think so?

2007-01-11 [Sir Riddle]: SPANK ME!!!!!

2007-01-11 [~username~]: Okay, you asked for it....<img:>

2007-01-11 [Sir Riddle]: not that way...<img:44166_1164144921.gif>

2007-01-12 [~username~]: Fine, but I don't have an Emoticon with a paddle.

2007-01-12 [Sir Riddle]: oh, not that way either, some people just don't understand...

2007-01-12 [~username~]: You want me to spank you with my hand?

2007-01-12 [Lady Neit]: err

2007-01-13 [Sir Riddle]: don't even think about it!

2007-01-14 [Lady Neit]: this is my monkey.... <img:stuff/dand-gif.gif> (pretend it looks more monkey-like!!) His name is Spank!

2007-01-14 [Sir Riddle]: ok..., I won't even think of this...<img:stuff/sh-gif.gif>

2007-01-14 [Lady Neit]: ^_^

2007-01-14 [Sir Riddle]: great...

2007-01-14 [Lady Neit]: yeah

2007-01-14 [Sir Riddle]: probably...

2007-01-14 [Lady Neit]: ^_^

2007-01-15 [Sir Riddle]: not funny..., monkeys who are called spank...*mumbles*

2007-01-15 [Lady Neit]: never said it was funny, i merely smiled
see i'll do it again! =)


2007-01-16 [Sir Riddle]: AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2007-01-16 [~username~]: I know this awesome game called spank the monkey. I wound up spanking it at 407 mph.

2007-01-16 [Sir Riddle]: me too!! about 473 mph...

2007-01-16 [~username~]: That poor monkey........ Lets hit him again!!!!!!

2007-01-16 [Lady Neit]: comment

2007-01-16 [~username~]: If you post the comment "no comment" then doesn't that count as a comment?

2007-01-16 [Lady Neit]: NO

2007-01-16 [~username~]: Are you sure? Because it does take up commenting space.

2007-01-16 [Lady Neit]: i am positive

2007-01-16 [~username~]: I still think that typing no comment is commenting.

2007-01-16 [Lady Neit]: its like a no dinner dinner.... but its a no comment comment!!

2007-01-16 [~username~]: No dinner dinner?

2007-01-17 [Sir Riddle]: yes, what's a no dinner dinner?

2007-01-19 [~username~]: Is it good?

2007-01-19 [Sir Riddle]: yes, is it?

2007-01-19 [Mindfreak Rox!!]: TORI!!!!!

2007-01-20 [Sir Riddle]: yes?

2007-01-20 [Mindfreak Rox!!]: your not tori sir riddle!!! lol

2007-01-21 [Sir Riddle]: I'm not??? well, that's new...

2007-01-21 [Lady Neit]: *dance*

2007-01-21 [Sir Riddle]: *dances along*

2007-01-22 [Lady Neit]: yeah!

2007-01-22 [~username~]: Okay, since when was I a guy and changed my username? And why are you dancing without me?!?!

2007-01-24 [Sir Riddle]: since... yeterday?

2007-01-24 [~username~]: But what about last week?!?!? I was a girl then....... I think......

2007-01-24 [Lady Neit]: .....CONFOOOOOOSED!!!

2007-01-24 [~username~]: I'm sure you are.

2007-01-24 [Lady Neit]: ayee

2007-01-24 [~username~]: <img:>

2007-01-25 [Sir Riddle]: ok...

2007-01-25 [~username~]: Just bored.

2007-01-25 [Sir Riddle]: thought so...

2007-01-25 [~username~]: *sigh*......I'm gonna make another wiki......

2007-01-29 [Sir Riddle]: go ahead, I'll track it down and scare it...

2007-01-29 [~username~]: Heck, I tell you what it is right now. The Anti-Retro Zombie Brigade

2007-01-29 [Sir Riddle]: but that makes it unfunny!

2007-01-29 [~username~]: Fine, if it makes you happy, the leperchauns tortured me until I told you.

2007-01-30 [Sir Riddle]: well, that makes me happy!

2007-01-30 [~username~]: I still suffer from the bruises...

2007-01-30 [Sir Riddle]: no blisters?

2007-01-30 [~username~]: No place that you'll ever see.

2007-01-31 [Sir Riddle]: ...

2007-01-31 [~username~]: Gotcha going didn't I!!!!

2007-01-31 [Sir Riddle]: I-I-I, I was merely thinking..?

2007-01-31 [~username~]: *GASP!* Thinking? Not on my watch!!!

2007-02-01 [Sir Riddle]: no?!

2007-02-01 [~username~]: Not unless you can tell me this: What's the meaning of life?

2007-02-02 [Mindfreak Rox!!]: we have no idea what the meaning of life is tori!!!

2007-02-03 [~username~]: TRICK QUESTION!!! Life has no meaning!!!!

2007-02-04 [Sir Riddle]: I didn't even answer yet...

2007-02-05 [~username~]: But Mary did.

2007-02-08 [Sir Riddle]: but the question was adressed to me!

2007-02-08 [Sir Riddle]: LUV YOU ALL!!!!!!!

2007-02-09 [~username~]: How do you know that the question was addressed to you?

2007-02-11 [Sir Riddle]: you said so...

2007-02-11 [~username~]: Fine, Ill ask you another question. Who lives in a pineapple under the sea?

2007-02-12 [Sir Riddle]: ME!

2007-02-12 [~username~]: Close enough!

2007-02-14 [Mindfreak Rox!!]: sorry sir riddle but i beat you to the question!!!!!!!!!! HAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHA

2007-02-14 [~username~]: Gah! What a meaner!!

2007-02-15 [Sir Riddle]: who, me or she

2007-02-15 [~username~]: She.

2007-02-15 [Sir Riddle]: good...

2007-02-15 [~username~]: No, she's bad. I just joined Myspace, and I must say that it kinda sucks. I can't find anybody on there!!!

2007-02-18 [Sir Riddle]: anybody from here?

2007-02-19 [~username~]: Well, it's hard to say. Half of the people I've tried to visit have this thing on their page which says that you can't see their profile unless you're a friend. That's just soo lame!!!!

2007-02-22 [Sir Riddle]: ...<img:stuff/mood13-gif.gif>

2007-02-22 [~username~]: <img:> *random waving moment*

2007-03-19 [Sir Riddle]: -_-'

2007-03-19 [~username~]: *bored*

2007-03-19 [Sir Riddle]: *amuses*

2007-03-19 [~username~]: <img:>

2007-03-22 [Sir Riddle]: ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2007-03-22 [Mindfreak Rox!!]: thats cute tori!!!

2007-03-23 [Sir Riddle]: so sweet...

2007-03-23 [~username~]: That's my flavor!

2007-03-23 [~username~]: <img:>

2007-03-25 [Lady Neit]: LMFAO!!!

2007-05-31 [Sir Riddle]: it's your flavour, not your middle name???

2007-05-31 [~username~]: Nope, my middle name is Leigh.

2007-06-06 [Mindfreak Rox!!]: does any one want to know my middle name??

2007-06-06 [~username~]: Sure!

2007-06-06 [Mindfreak Rox!!]: it is Lee and don't ask why!!

2007-06-07 [~username~]: Like the Jeans? That's how everyone spells my middle name.

2007-06-21 [Mindfreak Rox!!]: leigh!! so i can spell it!!

2007-06-21 [~username~]: We are the Leighs!!!! Fear us!!!

2007-06-27 [Mindfreak Rox!!]: lol funny tori

2007-07-02 [~username~]: I don't even have to try, it just comes natural.

2007-07-07 [Mindfreak Rox!!]: i miss you tori i need to see you!!!

2007-07-09 [~username~]: Then cime ti school!

2007-07-10 [Mindfreak Rox!!]: what are you talking about?

2007-07-10 [~username~]: sorry, my fingers got mixed up. Then come to school is what I was trying to say.

2007-08-01 [Mindfreak Rox!!]: lol oh ok thanks for clearing that up for me!!

2007-08-02 [~username~]: Welcome!

2007-08-11 [Mindfreak Rox!!]: torri i am not going back to school not yet tho!!

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